Vale Mother of Gud Church

Detailed Information

Vale Virgin Mary Church – А relatively large church of Mother of God stands in the village of Vale located in proximity of the city of Akhaltsikhe. Today this construction is comparatively short three-nave basilica with one pair of columns, but originally it had been a “recorded cross”-type domed church with two columns.

 After the reconstruction of considerably damaged original church carried out in 1560-ies under the patronage of Lady Dedisimedi– spouse of the ruler of Samtskhe (Southern Georgia) – Atabek Kaikhosro, the construction got its current shape. Eastern section of the initial church has been preserved up to now coupled with some other of its parts, such as lower sections of walls and several stones with risings. Thanks to their secondary use during the reconstruction we now can learn about its original shape and are able to define time of its construction.

 Some of the risings are more linear and expressive (for instance – the scene of “Annunciation” fixed over the sanctuary window with the image of the “donor” – Lady Kravai, is so clear, that remainds the metalwork icons), others are definitely tend to sculptural shapes (pairs of saint raiders on western and southern door tympanums), while the images of wildlife and / or strange masks cut on the cornices remind of Roman capitals. Such highly versatile decoration, its nature and style of performance clearly indicate time of their performance, that is the second half of X c.