Katsareti Trinity

Detailed Information

Katsareti Holly Treinity Church is one of the oldest cathedrals of Georgian Orthodox Church. Bishop of this area is first mentioned as early as in the early years of VI c AD The temple itself is almost contemporaneous to the mentioned period – the turn of V-VI cc. The construction represents quite large three-nave basilica built of the mix of selected rubble stone and cobblestone.

 Neatly hewn slabs are also used for construction of some of its parts – vaults, imposts, rising ornamentation on capitals of the triumphal arches, very rare for Kakheti. The entire internal space is divided into three by four pairs of columns and horseshoe – shaped arches. The apse layout and top curves of the windows are horseshoe – shaped as well.

 To the height of vaults the church interior is definitely original; only roofing structures have been restored coupled with some other elements with negligible effects on the entire building. (In VIII-IX cc middle of the northern nave wasreshaped as a small domed chapel, but after some time walls separating this section of the church from the rest of its space were removed and original state was restored; partitions were constructed in eastern endings of lateral naves thus separating rooms adjacent to the apse; in XVI-XVIII cc walls were built in between the nave separating arches, several niches for the icons were arranged as well, etc).

 Exterior of the church faced in XV-XVI cc with neatly hewn stone slabs is decorated with a huge image of the cross on eastern façade. Western porch that outlines western door of the church was constructed in the same period. Apparently from the very beginning this has been the main point of access into the church, however there is another door as well, the western one.

 The sanctuary windows immediately attract attention due to their rather large sizes in comparison to other openings of the building, creating impression of “compressed” internal space of the church. Wall painting dated back to 1518 is preserved in the interior. Remains of several large residential buildings can be seen south-eastwards of the temple, one of which belongs to once a twostoried palace with a huge fireplace. A two – storied porch of later times is located west of the temple.

 The ancient haven of Katsareti, situated near Ujarma, reflects Saint Nino’s apostolic contribution. Having baptized the people of Ertso-Tianeti, the Saint Virgin stopped on her way back from Zhaleti to baptize Kukhelis (Kkhoelis) and Sojis. Afterwards, she moved to Kakheti via the Samebiskhevi and Gombori Pass and converted the Kakhetian Governors to the Christian faith. The foundation of the monastery at Katsareti is associated with King Vakhtang.

 According to the legend, King Vakhtang spent one night here before one of the battles against the mountain people. He promised to construct a church at this place if he was victorious. Thus, in the late 5th and early 6th cc, St. Trinity Church was built and, at the end of King Vakhtang’s reign, or, perhaps under his heir Dachi, the Katsareti eparchy was also founded. The monastery, enclosed by a stone wall, includes St. Trinity Church, a threestorey residential tower, the ruins of an episcopal palace and household buildings – ancient and new – of the present convent.