Mtskheta City

Detailed Information

Mtskheta City – Ancient capital of Georgia, one of the most ancient cities-fortresses in Georgia. Located on the Mtkvari (Kura) River and the Georgian Military Road, it is only 16 km from Tbilisi. Founded in the first millennium BCE, Mtskheta was the capital of ancient Iberia between the third century BCE and fifth century CE. It was conquered by the Roman General Pompeus in 65 BCE.

 The richest archeological material testifies that Mtskheta was the important trading city on a silk way between the Caspian and the Black seas. Mtskheta always was the spiritual center of the country. Long times ago there were the statues of pagan gods, and after acknowledging a Christianity it became a stronghold of Christian belief in Georgia.

 Although King Vakhtang Gorgasal moved the capital to Tbilisi, Mtskheta remained the religious center of the country. The Svetitskhoveli Cathedral served as the see of the Archbishop of Mtskheta and Catholicos of All Georgia as well as the royal burial chamber where the remains of Kings Vakhtang Gorgasali, Erekle II, and other rulers rest.

 Mtskheta contains many historical monuments, including the famous Jvari Church (6th century) overlooking the town from the nearby mountains, the ruins of the Armazis-tsikhe acropolis (first millennium BCE) and fortress (3rd century BCE), the Samtavro Monastery (11th century), and the remains of the Bebris Tsikhe fortress (14th century).

 Mtskheta is a museum in an open-air, the most part of its constructions are listed by UNESCO among the world’s cultural heritage.